Aruna Kamineni, PhD, MPH


“I'm working on reducing cancer through better screening. I collaborate with researchers nationwide on studies that will make screening more effective, patient-friendly, and personalized.”

Aruna Kamineni, PhD, MPH

Assistant Investigator, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute


Aruna Kamineni, PhD, MPH, came to Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in 2009 with a wealth of experience in chronic disease epidemiology. Dr. Kamineni has expertise in using case-control methods to evaluate screening efficacy, and her research focuses on addressing evidence gaps for clinical guidelines, particularly for cervical and colorectal cancer prevention. A substantial portion of her work has focused on developing infrastructure and methods for research using electronic clinical and administrative health care data.

Since 2011, Dr. Kamineni has participated in the National Cancer Institute’s Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process (PROSPR) consortium to evaluate and improve cancer screening in U.S. community settings. As a principal investigator for multisite cervical and colorectal cancer PROSPR Research Centers, Dr. Kamineni is leading and collaborating on work to determine how to optimally use screening tests and consider how to tailor screening for population subgroups.

Dr. Kamineni’s research goals include studying the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing and HPV vaccination on cervical cancer and screening programs. Multidisciplinary collaboration is a valued and important driver of Dr. Kamineni’s research and she embraces a team science approach to optimizing cancer prevention.

Research interests and experience

  • Cancer

    Cervical cancer; colorectal cancer; screening; disparities

  • Methods

    Electronic clinical and administrative data infrastructure development for research; case-control studies; team science

Recent publications

Strotmeyer ES, Kamineni A, Cauley JA, Robbins JA, Fried LF, Siscovick DS, Harris TB, Newman AB. Potential explanatory factors for higher incident hip fracture risk in older diabetic adults. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2011;2011:979270. Epub 2011 Aug 7. PubMed

Kamineni A, Weinmann S, Shy K, Mandelson M, Glass A, Weiss N. Cervical cancer screening efficacy in older women.  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011;20(4):718-9.

Criqui MH, Kamineni A, Allison MA, Ix JH, Carr JJ, Cushman M, Detrano R, Post W, Wong ND. Risk factor differences for aortic versus coronary calcified atherosclerosis. the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010 Nov;30(11):2289-96. Epub 2010 Sep 2. PubMed

Nelson TL, Kamineni A, Psaty B, Cushman M, Jenny NS, Hokanson J, Furberg C, Mukamal KJ. Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) and future risk of subclinical disease and cardiovascular events in individuals with type 2 diabetes: the Cardiovascular Health Study.  Diabetologia. 2011 Feb;54(2):329-33. Epub 2010 Nov 20. PubMed

Djoussé L, Kamineni A, Nelson TL, Carnethon M, Mozaffarian D, Siscovick D, Mukamal KJ. Egg consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes in older adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Aug;92(2):422-7. Epub 2010 Jun 9. PubMed

Fowler-Brown AG, de Boer IH, Catov JM, Carnethon MR, Kamineni A, Kuller LH, Siscovick DS, Mukamal KJ. Parity and the association with diabetes in older women. Diabetes Care. 2010 Aug;33(8):1778-82. Epub 2010 Apr 27. PubMed

Aboyans V, Kamineni A, Allison MA, McDermott MM, Crouse JR, Ni H, Szklo M, Criqui MH. The epidemiology of subclavian stenosis and its association with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Atherosclerosis. 2010 Jul;211(1):266-70. Epub 2010 Jan 21. PubMed

Allison MA, Aboyans V, Granston T, McDermott MM, Kamineni A, Ni H, Criqui MH. The relevance of different methods of calculating the ankle-brachial index: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Am J Epidemiol. 2010 Feb 1;171(3):368-76. Epub 2009 Dec 30. PubMed




Improving cancer prevention and early detection

How KPWHRI is contributing to better cancer screening and better outcomes for patients.

Healthy findings blog


Improving reporting of cancer screening harms

Aruna Kamineni, PhD, MPH, discusses her recent study on how guidelines report screening risks.

innovating care


How to maximize screening for colon cancer

Research informs care as Kaiser Permanente Washington, exceeding 80 percent screening rate, launches home-based 'FIT First' pilot.

KPWHRI in the Media

Aruna Kamineni, PhD, MPH, comments on new study of cancer screening guidelines

NCI study analyzes the harms from cancer screening

Managed Healthcare Executive, Dec. 8, 2022