
Healthy Findings Blog

Drs. Lin and Holland bring affordable mindfulness-based stress reduction to African American, Latina, and Asian American women with chronic diseases in Seattle.
New research conducted by Group Health Research Institute shows that quieting the mind may be a non-drug alternative to help decrease chronic low back pain.
Meditation long has been practiced as a way to calm the mind, and possibly achieve enlightenment.
We study social determinants of health and how they differently affect low-income and high-income persons.
GHRI’s executive director Dr. Eric Larson has some thoughts on how Trump can build common ground for better public health.
“Better education and cardiovascular health may be key. This means hope for reducing risk through social determinants and lifestyle,” says Dr. Eric B. Larson.
Maps show high-priority preventive health needs among the president-elect’s base and others, writes Dr. Eric B. Larson.