
Healthy Findings Blog

Let’s change our language to allow room for resilience, hope, and effective intervention, writes Dr. Gregory Simon.
‘Amateur microbiome geeks’ Jane Grafton and Dona Cutsogeorge share a book that demystifies the science behind the craze.
With priorities aligned, our researchers and practitioners can make bold progress on behalf of members and patients, writes Dr. Eric B. Larson.
Patients, families, caregivers, and providers are talking to researchers about care decisions and social media communities. Here’s what they’re saying.
In an excerpt from his new book Enlightened Aging, Dr. Eric B. Larson encourages his generation to build reserves for a long life ahead.
Excerpt from Enlightened Aging: Building Resilience for a Long, Active Life, by Eric B. Larson, MD and Joan DeClaire.
Dr. Robert Penfold talks about how his father’s death inspired him to work on advance care planning for people with mild cognitive impairment.