
Healthy Findings Blog

Do you have the curiosity, passion, and commitment to contribute to health services research? Here’s a way to have a national impact.
As we approach 2017, Dr. Eric Larson discusses what Kaiser Permanente CEO Bernard Tyson is saying — and reading.
Kelly Ehrlich always appreciated study participants’ contributions to research. She tells how important it is to let them know.
Dr. Diana Buist knows that national health policy is complex and won’t get easier in 2017. Here’s how she keeps up with it.
Group Health Research Institute’s Dr. Michael Von Korff has hope, now that pop culture heroes Macklemore and John Oliver have joined the awareness fight.
As pop culture icons address the dangers of prescription opioid abuse, Dr. Michael Von Korff sees hope for raising the issue in public consciousness.
Benjamin Balderson, PhD, GHRI research associate & Group Health clinical psychologist, offers… Benjamin Balderson, PhD, GHRI research associate & Group Health clinical psychologist, offers…