A graduate of the University of Washington (UW) biostatistics program, Robert Wellman, MS, joined the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) Biostatistics Unit in 2009. His work spans a diverse collection of topics including mental health, pharmacoepidemiology, postmarketing drug safety surveillance, obesity, diagnostic test accuracy, back pain, and breast cancer. Prior to this, he spent 5 years in the Biostatistics Core at the UW Center for AIDS Research.
Causal inference; longitudinal data; diagnostic and screening test accuracy; clinical trials; survival analysis: rare disease outcomes; nonparametrics; missing data; electronic data; distributed data; statistical computing
Biostatistics; HIV/AIDS; vaccine safety
Biostatistics; clinical trials; back pain
Biostatistics; bariatric surgery
Biostatistics; breast cancer; effects of chemotherapy; accuracy of automated data; screening test accuracy; advanced imaging
Biostatistics; pharmacoepidemiology; postmarketing drug safety surveillance; big data; electronic health record and claims data
Biostatistics; suicide risk prediction, machine learning
Sherman KJ, Wellman RD, Cook AJ, Cherkin DC, Ceballos RM. Mediators of yoga and stretching for chronic low back pain. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:130818. doi: 10.1155/2013/130818. Epub 2013 Apr 17. PubMed
Sherman KJ, Cook AJ, Kahn JR, Hawkes RJ, Wellman RD, Cherkin DC. Dosing study of massage for chronic neck pain: protocol for the dose response evaluation and analysis of massage [DREAM] trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012;12:158. PubMed
Bowles EJ, Wellman R, Feigelson HS, Onitilo AA, Freedman AN, Delate T, Allen LA, Nekhlyudov L, Goddard KA, Davis RL, Habel LA, Yood MU, Magid D, Wagner EH, for the Pharmacovigilance Study Team. Risk of heart failure in breast cancer patients after anthracycline and trastuzumab treatment: a retrospective cohort study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012 Sep 5;104(17):1293-305. PubMed
Arterburn D, Wellman R, Westbrook E, Rutter C, Ross T, McCulloch D, Handley M, Jung C. Introducing decision aids at Group Health was linked to sharply lower hip and knee surgery rates and costs. Health Aff (Millwood). 2012;31(9):2094-104. PubMed
Allen LA, Yood MU, Wagner EH, Aiello Bowles EJ, Pardee R, Wellman R, Habel L, Nekhlyudov L, Davis RL, Onitilo AA, Magid DJ; for the Pharmacovigilance Research Group. Performance of claims-based algorithms for identifying heart failure and cardiomyopathy among patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Med Care. 2014 May;52(5):e30-8. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0b013e31825a8c22. Epub 2012 May 25. PubMed
Models that are easier to explain, use could have better uptake in health care settings.
A study among KP members with sleep problems and osteoarthritis shows promise for overcoming obstacles to treatment.
Watch video on latest results from PCORnet Bariatric Study. (Spoiler alert: Bypass, not sleeve.)