Welcome to the SONNET website!

Learn how we help Kaiser Permanente design, evaluate, and implement effective social health interventions that address and improve our members' social health. 

SONNET’s goal is to improve the health of Kaiser Permanente members by using our scientific capabilities to inform social health policy and practice.

Across Kaiser Permanente, SONNET is creating a national network of applied researchers with expertise in implementation, research, and evaluation. SONNET's role is to help each KP region design, evaluate, and implement effective social health interventions that address and improve our members' social health. We encourage KP leaders, administrators, and clinicians to reach out to us at sonnet@kp.org to learn more about how SONNET can assist with social health initiatives across the enterprise.

SONNET's work is made possible with funding from KP's National Community Health Program in support of the organization’s goal to achieve equitable health outcomes for all members and improve conditions for health in our communities. 

Our latest reports

Kaiser Permanente's 2022 National Social Health Survey 

SONNET is excited to share 3 reports that summarize quantitative and qualitative findings from our second social health survey among a representative group of Kaiser Permanente members nationwide.

Project lead: Meagan Brown, PhD, MPH, collaborative scientist at KP Washington Health Research Institute. 

Social risks and acute health care utilization 

This report summarizes findings that used data from Kaiser Permanente's National Social Health Surveys to assess how 3 specific social risks — financial strain, food insecurity, and housing instability — are related to emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations among members nationwide. 

Project lead: Morgan Clenin, PhD, MPH, investigator at KP Colorado Institute for Health Research.

Who we are


We are a learning network of researchers and evaluators from across KP. Our team includes our executive sponsors, our Coordinating Center at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, and our Evaluation and Research Committee. 


What we do

Graphics of SONNET's core functions: connect, consult, communicate

We convene social health researchers and KP leaders, consult on social health interventions, communicate what we learn across KP and beyond, and contribute to the field to advance our scientific understanding of social health.

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Through our newsletter, we share what we learn about the design and evaluation of effective social health interventions with audiences inside and outside of Kaiser Permanente. To subscribe, please email us at sonnet@kp.org.

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