
Our Publications

KPWHRI publicly shares its research findings in peer-reviewed journals.

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Landes SJ, Kerns SEU, Pilar MR, Walsh-Bailey C, Yu SH, Byeon YV, Crane ME, Larson M, Bullock HL, Baumann AA, Comtois KA, Darnell D, Dorsey S, Fizur P, Lewis CC, Moullin JC, Pierson A, Powell BJ, Stanick CF, Wiltsey Stirman S, Franks RP. Where the rubber meets the road: the intersection of research, policy, and practice - part 1. Implement Sci. 2020 Sep 30;15(Suppl 3):76. doi: 10.1186/s13012-020-01034-7. PubMed

Lapham G, Boudreau DM, Johnson EA, Bobb JF, Matthews AG, McCormack J, Liu D, Samet JH, Saxon AJ, Campbell CI, Glass JE, Rossom RC, Murphy MT, Binswanger IA, Yarborough BJH, Bradley KA. Prevalence and treatment of opioid use disorders among primary care patients in six health systems.  Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;207:107732. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.107732. Epub 2019 Nov 15.  PubMed

Lee CM, Woodward M, Batty GD, Beiser AS, Bell S, Berr C, Bjertness E, Chalmers J, Clarke R, Dartigues JF, Davis-Plourde K, Debette S, Di Angelantonio E, Feart C, Frikke-Schmidt R, Gregson J, Haan MN, Hassing LB, Hayden KM, Hoevenaar-Blom MP, Kaprio J+++. Association of anthropometry and weight change with risk of dementia and its major subtypes: a meta-analysis consisting 2.8 million adults with 57 294 cases of dementia. Obes Rev. 2020 Apr;21(4):e12989. doi: 10.1111/obr.12989. Epub 2020 Jan 3. PubMed

Lee CS, Apte RS. Retinal biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 May 5. pii: S0002-9394(20)30226-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2020.04.040. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed

Lee TL, Sherman KJ, Hawkes RJ, Phelan EA, Turner JA. The benefits of T'ai Chi for older adults with chronic back pain: a qualitative study. J Altern Complement Med. 2020 May 5. doi: 10.1089/acm.2019.0455. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed


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