
Our Publications

KPWHRI publicly shares its research findings in peer-reviewed journals.

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Parchman ML, Palazzo LG, Mogk JM, Webbon JC, Demosthenes L, Vossenkemper E, Hoke G, Moskovitz J, Dunlap L, Diaz del Carpio R. What strategies are used by clinician champions to reduce low-value care? SAGE Open Med. 2022 Jan 21;10:20503121211069855. doi: 10.1177/20503121211069855. eCollection 2022. PubMed

Parchman ML, Perloff J, Ritter G. Can clinician champions reduce potentially inappropriate medications in people living with dementia? Study protocol for a cluster randomized trial. Implement Sci. 2022 Sep 27;17(1):63. doi: 10.1186/s13012-022-01237-0. PubMed

Penfold RB, Carrell DS, Cronkite DJ, Pabiniak C, Dodd T, Glass AM, Johnson E, Thompson E, Arrighi HM, Stang PE. Development of a machine learning model to predict mild cognitive impairment using natural language processing in the absence of screening.  BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2022 May 12;22(1):129. doi: 10.1186/s12911-022-01864-z. PubMed

Pham Nguyen TP, Soprano SE, Hennessy S, Brensinger CM, Bilker WB, Miano TA, Acton EK, Horn JR, Chung SP, Dublin S, Oslin DW, Wiebe DJ, Leonard CE. Population-based signals of benzodiazepine drug interactions associated with unintentional traumatic injury. J Psychiatr Res. 2022 May 1;151:299-303. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.04.033. PubMed

Pocobelli G, Ichikawa L, Yu O, Green BB, Meyers K, Gray R, Shea M, Chubak J. Validation of international classification of diseases, tenth revision, clinical modification diagnosis codes for heart failure subtypes. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2022 Jun 7. doi: 10.1002/pds.5489. Online ahead of print. PubMed


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