How Group Health’s collaborative approach transformed depression care
Dementia prevalence is declining in older Americans over time
Patient engagement changes lives, one conversation at a time
Here’s common ground for Trump, Congress, and public health
Rainier Medical Center offers mindfulness class to women of color
Honoring Dr. Wagner’s far-reaching influence on primary care
Pharmacist and drug economics expert Kai Yeung joins GHRI faculty
Among Group Health’s greatest coups? We kicked tobacco’s butt!
How Choosing Wisely reduces low-value care
Embracing uncertainty in politics and health
Got plain language? 5 tips for clear, engaging writing — even in research
What’s next for Dr. Dan Cherkin, investigator emeritus?
Diabetes health: Pharmacy outreach increases statin use but not costs
How many lives has Dr. Tommy Thompson saved?
Highlighting Group Health’s work for the community at-large
When election hyperbole raises stereotypes, here’s an antidote
Long-term opioid risks are the focus of $10 million GHRI study
Biomed company and GHRI test new device for collecting blood
Team care for teen depression is found cost-effective
Joe Glass, addictions and health disparities researcher, joins GHRI
What do precision medicine and public health have in common?
HEAT panel explores social determinants of health
Helping primary care practices decide whether to adopt proven programs
What makes GHRI a great workplace? Altruism
Treating hypertension in pregnancy: What’s the best way?
Bariatric surgery keeps weight off in long term
Biostatistician Yates Coley returns to Seattle as new investigator
Preventing dementia: A long-term ACT idea goes mainstream
Sustaining diabetes self-management programs: Community members speak
The world seems unstable but are there some constants in health?
Carol Cahill of GHRI bicycles to honor husband and fund cancer research
Stop! In the name of health—lessening low-value care
How a physician-scientist studying blood pressure became a patient too
TBI linked to Parkinson’s and Parkinson-related brain defects
Cara Lewis brings mental health implementation expertise to GHRI
Bariatric surgery may have ‘legacy effect’ on diabetes complications
Gun violence is a public health crisis: How should we respond?
Behavioral health team wins 2016 Birnbaum award
CCHE mourns the passing of founding director Bill Beery
Don’t wait: Dr. Leana Wen urges public health action now
Dr. Leana Wen: Better care is not our biggest health challenge
From war to Group Health: The journey of Stefan Golston
Big data plus real-world context equals community health improvements
The 1 percent’s longevity: income is not the only inequality
Addressing social determinants of health through research
How Dr. Leana Wen’s emergency room lessons translate to primary care
Candidates are talking about Obamacare—whether they know it or not
New breast cancer research will study supplemental screening methods
Total Worker Health®: Integrating workplace safety and employee wellness
As Obamacare expands access, clinics use team care to adapt
For young adults with cancer, the Clare Project asks: What matters most?
Do mast cells hold the key to chronic and unexplained disease?
Finding safer ways to treat behavioral disorders in kids and teens
Prince’s apparent opioid-linked death shows need for new plan for pain
Weight controlled better with bupropion than with other antidepressants
Saddle up and join me for Bike Everywhere month
It’s your digital information—shouldn’t you decide who uses it and how?
What research matters for the 21st century?
Is hospital readmission linked to alcohol use and social factors?
Gastric bypass surgery beats lifestyle, medical treatment for diabetes
What’s the most common mosquito-borne threat to kids? (It’s not Zika.)
Mindfulness meditation eases chronic low back pain
A call for a more patient-centered approach to treating back pain
Dr. Leana Wen to deliver 2016 Birnbaum Lecture
Integrating behavioral health into primary care: The time has come
Patients and providers talk about lung cancer screening, GHRI listens
Our tobacco cessation research is smoking hot
Patients power SIMBA research on breast cancer, mammograms, breast MRIs
Highlighting social determinants of health—beyond the usual suspects
PrEP can prevent HIV/AIDS—if we get it to the right people
Bariatric surgery pros & cons—Why Group Health research matters
Tough conversations: How can we help patients get off risky drugs?
Closing the knowledge gap on prevention in pediatrics
Group Health’s new lung cancer screening program shows promise
Is a picture worth 1,000 words if patients don’t understand it?
‘You’re never more creative’: New directors Paula Lozano and Diana Buist
Better together: Dyad structure is key in health departments’ success
Our top 6 reasons why ‘it was a very good year’
‘Concussion’ movie sheds light on discoveries that may prevent dementia
Thanks to Group Health research, I helped save a life
The inventor’s dilemma: What's unique about health care technology?
Deep sedation raises risk of complications from colonoscopy
Public health on the big screen in Chicago
Got a New Year’s resolution to keep? Anne Renz has a book to recommend
Chronic pain: Group Health’s guidelines helped reduce opioid doses
Media contact
For more on Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute news, please contact:
Bianca DiJulio
After-hours media line: 206-448-4056
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Our Seattle offices sit on the occupied land of the Duwamish and by the shared waters of the Coast Salish people, who have been here thousands of years and remain. Learn about practicing land acknowledgment.