Experts in health data discuss a widely used data model — its origin, organization, and current applications (Vimeo, 27:49)
Watch video on latest results from PCORnet Bariatric Study. (Spoiler alert: Bypass, not sleeve.) (Vimeo, 1:55)
Large, long-term study of post-op safety of weight-loss surgery includes Dr. Arterburn and University of Pittsburgh researchers. (Vimeo, 1:52)
All Washington members are invited to be part of research that could improve health for millions. (YouTube, 2:32)
Evidence from Dr. Dublin’s work helps patients and doctors make the best care choices in pregnancy. (Vimeo, 1:31)
Media contact
For more on Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute news, please contact:
Bianca DiJulio
After-hours media line: 206-448-4056
Land Acknowledgment
Our Seattle offices sit on the occupied land of the Duwamish and by the shared waters of the Coast Salish people, who have been here thousands of years and remain. Learn about practicing land acknowledgment.