Virtual-Data-Warehouse-DataCon-2020-KPWHRI_1col.jpgA deep dive into KPWHRI’s Virtual Data Warehouse

Experts in health data discuss a widely used data model — its origin, organization, and current applications (Vimeo, 27:49)

Video-screen grab-bariatric-young couple- 1 column.jpgBest weight-loss surgery for diabetes and severe obesity?

Watch video on latest results from PCORnet Bariatric Study. (Spoiler alert: Bypass, not sleeve.) (Vimeo, 1:55)


Bariatric-Surgery-comparison_1col.jpgMore operations follow gastric bypass than gastric sleeve

Large, long-term study of post-op safety of weight-loss surgery includes Dr. Arterburn and University of Pittsburgh researchers. (Vimeo, 1:52)

biobank-Kp-video - 1 col.jpgKaiser Permanente Research Bank: Why you should join

All Washington members are invited to be part of research that could improve health for millions. (YouTube, 2:32)


Dublin-Sascha-family_1col.jpgWhat inspires Sascha Dublin’s maternal health research?

Evidence from Dr. Dublin’s work helps patients and doctors make the best care choices in pregnancy. (Vimeo, 1:31)

Media contact

For more on Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute news, please contact:

Bianca DiJulio
After-hours media line: 206-448-4056

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