SONNET papers and presentations on National Social Health Survey data

SONNET is a national network of applied researchers who help design, evaluate, and implement effective social health interventions to improve member health across Kaiser Permanente. SONNET's work is made possible with funding from KP's National Office of Community Health.

Peer-reviewed publications

Association of Housing Instability with Obesity Status Among Insured Adults

Published April 2024 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, this paper used data from Kaiser Permanente's 2020 National Social Health Survey to shed light on the link between housing instability and obesity. Among the key findings: People who experienced severe housing instability were nearly twice as likely to have severe obesity. Lead author: Morgan Clennin, PhD, MPH.

Understanding the relationship between social risk factors and COVID-19 contacts

Published in April 2023 in The Permanente Journal, this paper analyzed how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted peoples’ social needs. The analysis is based on data from Kaiser Permanente’s 2020 National Social Health Survey, which incorporated questions about COVID19 shortly after the onset of the pandemic. Among the key findings: People who knew individuals with COVID-19 reported more social needs compared to those who did not know anyone with COVID-19. Lead author: Ammarah Mahmud, MPH.

Conference presentations

2023 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting

Assessing Patients’ Experiences and Preferences on Identified Social Needs and How to Receive Support from a Large, Integrated Healthcare Delivery System. Presented by Dea Papajorgji-Taylor, MPH, MA.

2023 American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

The Contribution of Social-Needs Factors to Racial Differences in Type 2 Diabetes, Presented by Suma Vupputuri, PhD, MPH.

Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN) Annual Meeting

Changes in Health-related Social Risks, Needs, and Self-reported Health over Time: Results from the 2022 KP National Social Health Survey. Presented by Meagan Brown, PhD, MPH.

Association of Social Risk Factors with Emergency Department and Inpatient Hospitalization Encounters Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presented by: Morgan Clennin, PhD, MPH.

Associations Between Social Determinants of Health and Total Health Care Cost in an Integrated Delivery Network. Presented by Robert Nocon, MHS, PhD.

Assessing Patients’ Experiences and Preferences on Identified Social Needs and How to Receive Support from a Large, Integrated Healthcare Delivery System. Presented by Dea Papajorgji-Taylor, MPH, MA.

Results of the KP National Social Health Survey - Intersectional Analysis of Social Risk and Social Need. Presented by: Meagan Brown, PhD, MPH.

Modern Healthcare 2022 Social Determinants of Health Symposium

Survey Results: Social Health for Everyone. Closing keynote presented by Anand Shah, MD, MS, and Meagan Brown, PhD, MPH


National Social Health Surveys

Cover page of survey report

View reports and learn more about Kaiser Permanente's National Social Health Surveys in 2020 and 2022

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