Katie Coleman, MSPH

SONNET is a national network of applied researchers who help design, evaluate, and implement effective social health interventions to improve member health across Kaiser Permanente. SONNET's work is made possible with funding from KP's National Office of Community Health.

SONNET Co-Director

KP Washington Health Research Institute│ katie.f.coleman@kp.org  

Katie-Coleman__187x187.jpgKatie Coleman, MSPH, leads work focused on strategies that make it easier to integrate what's known about how best to care for patients into daily practice. As the director of Kaiser Permanente Washington’s Center for Accelerating Care Transformation (ACT Center), Ms. Coleman gathers knowledge about optimal ways to deliver, organize, and improve health care—and translates it into practice within Kaiser Permanente Washington, and in community health centers, public hospitals, and small private practices.

As co-director of SONNET, Katie will leverage her extensive experience working with community health centers nationwide – including the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative, a collaboration of 65 federally qualified health centers in 5 starts that she co-lead with funding from the Commonwealth fund.

Through the ACT Center's Learning Health System Program at Kaiser Permanente Washington, Katie contributed to early work to launch a universal social health screening initiative. She also contributed to Oregon Primary Care Associations’ Empathic Inquiry initiative, aimed at identifying and addressing social determinants of health.

In the community, Ms. Coleman has led several projects to design and evaluate large-scale improvement efforts in partnerships with patients, staff, and clinicians.  Currently, she’s leading the primary care practice improvement arm of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Delta Center for a Thriving Safety Net initiative, which aims to advance value-based pay and care competencies in 12 state behavioral health and primary care associations. 


Contact SONNET

Email us at sonnet@kp.org to learn more about our work or request a consultation.