GHRI is now one of Kaiser Permanente’s eight regional health research institutes. Dr. Eric B. Larson explains why he’s excited about the change.
With funding from the Partnership for Innovation, GHRI is evaluating a new technology-based lifestyle program designed by Group Health bariatric surgeons.
Dr. Hsu invites you to see three patients and two community resource specialists tell the story of creating this powerful new role in community health care.
Group Health patients suggested several potential solutions to Susan Carol Bradford and colleagues.
Regardless of what’s ahead for the ACA, the U.S. must reduce health spending. Dr. Eric B. Larson points to a UW study that reveals how.
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Land Acknowledgment
Our Seattle offices sit on the occupied land of the Duwamish and by the shared waters of the Coast Salish people, who have been here thousands of years and remain. Learn about practicing land acknowledgment.