E.Larson-Birnbaum-Lecture_1col.jpgStrengthening primary care: A video clip from the 2019 Birnbaum Lecture

Watch an excerpt from Dr. Eric B. Larson’s lecture, “The Affordability Imperative: Delivering on the Promise of Health and Health Care for All,” that highlights a key step to improve health                                                                                     outcomes. (Vimeo, 2:27)

2019 Birnbaum lecture-Opening slide of talk- 1 col.jpgThe Affordability Imperative: Delivering on the Promise

In his Birnbaum Lecture, Dr. Eric B. Larson calls for changes to make health and health care available to all. (Vimeo, 38:05)

Video - Neely Williams PCORI baratric surgery study David Arterburn - 1Col.jpgResearch for the rest of us

Sep 2019

(Vimeo, 7:30)



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For more on Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute news, please contact:

Bianca DiJulio
After-hours media line: 206-448-4056

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