Cardiovascular Health

“One in four deaths in the United States is attributed to heart disease. Our researchers study how behavior, environment, and genetics affect heart health and how screening and treatment can reduce risk.”

Laura B. Harrington, PhD, MPH
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute Assistant Investigator

Research overview

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans. Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) scientists are working to understand how to reduce our risk of heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases throughout life. 

Addressing risk factors, improving diagnosis, and exploring how medications, genes, and everyday life affect our cardiovascular health at different ages and stages are central to this work — as is translating research findings into practical, personalized care.

“We’ve found that helping patients and health care teams work together on personalized care plans is the best path to lifelong heart health,” says Beverly Green, MD, MPH, whose recent work has focused on improving the diagnosis of high blood pressure.

Additional focus areas for KPWHRI scientists include exploring the impact of cardiovascular diseases on other health conditions — and vice versa. Recently, this has led researchers Sascha Dublin, MD, PhD, and Laura B. Harrington, PhD, MPH, to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular health.

Below are other research highlights from KPWHRI’s cardiovascular health scientists (please visit their bios to learn more):

  • In 2016 Dr. Green, a senior investigator, launched the BP-CHECK study, which aims to find the easiest, most accurate way to diagnose high blood pressure. With a $2.8 million award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the study compares blood pressure readings taken in clinic, at home, and at validated blood pressure kiosks to the 24-hour blood pressure test that is currently considered the gold standard for diagnosing hypertension.
  • Dr. Dublin, a senior investigator, explores many different facets of cardiovascular disease in her work, including risk factors for atrial fibrillation, the effect of medications on cardiovascular disease, and the relationship between cardiovascular disease and other conditions, such as dementia. Managing cardiovascular risk factors in pregnancy — such as high blood pressure and diabetes — is a particular interest.
  • Dr. Harrington, an assistant investigator, is a cardiovascular epidemiologist whose research aims to improve understanding of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, particularly among older women. Currently, she is leading a study exploring the relationship between physical activity, sedentary behavior, and the risk of venous thromboembolism (blood clots that form predominantly in the veins of the legs or lungs). In addition to this work, Dr. Harrington conducts research in the areas of recurrent cardiovascular event risk, cardiovascular health in relation to cognitive decline and dementia risk in later life, and pharmacologic exposures in relation to cardiovascular event risk, with a particular focus on risk factors for venous thromboembolism.
  • Senior Investigator Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH, focuses on implementing evidence-based cardiovascular disease care into primary care settings. He led the 4-year Healthy Hearts Northwest trial, an EvidenceNOW initiative that helped smaller primary care practices in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho adopt evidence-based approaches to improving cardiovascular care outcomes. The trial continues to produce findings of importance.
  • The work of Ellen O'Meara, PhD, a senior research associate, centers on the epidemiology of common and important health conditions in the United States, including cardiovascular disease. Her collaborative research has included studies exploring the risk factors and outcomes of heart disease and stroke. Recent work includes research on quality improvement aimed at controlling hypertension at small primary care practices.

Recent publications on Cardiovascular Health

Savji N, Meijers WC, Bartz TM, Bhambhani V, Cushman M, Nayor M, Kizer JR, Sarma A, Blaha MJ, Gansevoort RT, Gardin JM, Hillege HL, Ji F, Kop WJ, Lau ES, Lee DS, Sadreyev R, van Gilst WH, Wang TJ, Zanni MV, Vasan RS, Allen NB, Psaty BM, van der Harst P, Levy D, Larson M, Shah SJ, de Boer RA, Gottdiener JS, Ho JE. The association of obesity and cardiometabolic traits with incident HFpEF and HFrEF. JACC Heart Fail. 2018 Jul 6. pii: S2213-1779(18)30444-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jchf.2018.05.018. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed

Tsao CW, Lyass A, Enserro D, Larson MG, Ho JE, Kizer JR, Gottdiener JS, Psaty BM, Vasan RS. Temporal trends in the incidence of and mortality associated with heart failure with preserved and reduced ejection fraction. JACC Heart Fail. 2018 Aug;6(8):678-685. doi: 10.1016/j.jchf.2018.03.006. Epub 2018 Jul 11. PubMed

Harrington LB, Hagan KA, Mukamal KJ, Kang JH, Kim J, Crous-Bou M, Lindström S, Rimm EB, Kabrhel C, Jensen MK. Alcohol consumption and the risk of incident pulmonary embolism in US women and men. J Thromb Haemost. 2018 Jul 5. doi: 10.1111/jth.14224. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed

Christensen MA, Dixit S, Dewland TA, Whitman IR, Nah G, Vittinghoff E, Mukamal KJ, Redline S, Robbins JA, Newman AB, Patel SR, Magnani JW, Psaty BM, Olgin JE, Pletcher MJ, Heckbert SR, Marcus GM. Sleep characteristics that predict atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm. 2018 Jun 20. pii: S1547-5271(18)30474-0. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2018.05.008. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed

Feitosa MF, Kraja AT, Chasman DI, Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Ntalla I, Guo X, Franceschini N, Cheng CY, Sim X, Vojinovic D, Marten J, Musani SK, Li C, Bentley AR, Brown MR, Schwander K, Richard MA, Noordam R, Aschard H, Bartz TM, Bielak LF, Dorajoo R, Fisher V, Hartwig FP, Horimoto ARVR, Lohman KK, Manning AK, Rankinen T, Smith AV, Tajuddin SM, Wojczynski MK, Alver M, Boissel M, Cai Q, Campbell A, Chai JF, Chen X, Divers J, Gao C, Goel A, Hagemeijer Y, Harris SE, He M, Hsu FC, Jackson AU, Kähönen M, Kasturiratne A, Komulainen P, Kühnel B, Laguzzi F, Luan J, Matoba N, Nolte IM, Padmanabhan S, Riaz M, Rueedi R, Robino A, Said MA, Scott RA, Sofer T, Stancáková A, Takeuchi F, Tayo BO, van der Most PJ, Varga TV, Vitart V, Wang Y, Ware EB, Warren HR, Weiss S, Wen W, Yanek LR, Zhang W, Zhao JH, Afaq S, Amin N, Amini M, Arking DE, Aung T, Boerwinkle E, Borecki I, Broeckel U, Brown M, Brumat M, Burke GL, Canouil M, Chakravarti A, Charumathi S, Ida Chen YD, Connell JM, Correa A, de Las Fuentes L, de Mutsert R, de Silva HJ, Deng X, Ding J, Duan Q, Eaton CB, Ehret G, Eppinga RN, Evangelou E, Faul JD, Felix SB, Forouhi NG, Forrester T, Franco OH, Friedlander Y, Gandin I, Gao H, Ghanbari M, Gigante B, Gu CC, Gu D, Hagenaars SP, Hallmans G, Harris TB, He J, Heikkinen S, Heng CK, Hirata M, Howard BV, Ikram MA; InterAct Consortium, John U, Katsuya T, Khor CC, Kilpeläinen TO, Koh WP, Krieger JE, Kritchevsky SB, Kubo M, Kuusisto J, Lakka TA, Langefeld CD, Langenberg C, Launer LJ, Lehne B, Lewis CE, Li Y, Lin S, Liu J, Liu J, Loh M, Louie T, Mägi R, McKenzie CA, Meitinger T, Metspalu A, Milaneschi Y, Milani L, Mohlke KL, Momozawa Y, Nalls MA, Nelson CP, Sotoodehnia N, Norris JM, O'Connell JR, Palmer ND, Perls T, Pedersen NL, Peters A, Peyser PA, Poulter N, Raffel LJ, Raitakari OT, Roll K, Rose LM, Rosendaal FR, Rotter JI, Schmidt CO, Schreiner PJ, Schupf N, Scott WR, Sever PS, Shi Y, Sidney S, Sims M, Sitlani CM, Smith JA, Snieder H, Starr JM, Strauch K, Stringham HM, Tan NYQ, Tang H, Taylor KD, Teo YY, Tham YC, Turner ST, Uitterlinden AG, Vollenweider P, Waldenberger M, Wang L, Wang YX, Wei WB, Williams C, Yao J, Yu C, Yuan JM, Zhao W, Zonderman AB, Becker DM, Boehnke M, Bowden DW, Chambers JC, Deary IJ, Esko T, Farrall M, Franks PW, Freedman BI, Froguel P, Gasparini P, Gieger C, Jonas JB, Kamatani Y, Kato N, Kooner JS, Kutalik Z, Laakso M, Laurie CC, Leander K, Lehtimäki T, Study LC, Magnusson PKE, Oldehinkel AJ, Penninx BWJH, Polasek O, Porteous DJ, Rauramaa R, Samani NJ, Scott J, Shu XO, van der Harst P, Wagenknecht LE, Wareham NJ, Watkins H, Weir DR, Wickremasinghe AR, Wu T, Zheng W, Bouchard C, Christensen K, Evans MK, Gudnason V, Horta BL, Kardia SLR, Liu Y, Pereira AC, Psaty BM, Ridker PM, van Dam RM, Gauderman WJ, Zhu X, Mook-Kanamori DO, Fornage M, Rotimi CN, Cupples LA, Kelly TN, Fox ER, Hayward C, van Duijn CM, Tai ES, Wong TY, Kooperberg C, Palmas W, Rice K, Morrison AC, Elliott P, Caulfield MJ, Munroe PB, Rao DC, Province MA, Levy D. Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries.  PLoS One. 2018 Jun 18;13(6):e0198166. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198166. eCollection 2018. PubMed

Researchers in Cardiovascular Health

Sascha Dublin, MD, PhD

Senior Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Beverly B. Green, MD, MPH

Senior Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Laura Harrington, PhD, MPH

Assistant Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Ellen O'Meara, PhD

Principal Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Nicole M. Gatto, PhD, MPH

Principal Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Meagan C. Brown, PhD, MPH

Assistant Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)


Affiliate researchers

James Floyd, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology
University of Washington

Susan Heckbert, MD, PhD
University of Washington (UW) Department of Epidemiology; UW Cardiovascular Health Research Unit

Nicholas L. Smith, PhD, MPH
UW Professor, Epidemiology, Cardiovascular Health Research Unit
Director, Seattle Epidemiology and Information Resource Center, VA Puget Sound Health Care System