Mental Health

“We aim to be a real learning mental health care system, answering the practical questions that patients, families, and mental health clinicians care about.”

Greg Simon, MD, MPH
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute Senior Investigator

Research overview

Mental health is a vital part of overall health. But traditional mental health care reaches only a fraction of the millions who could benefit. So, researchers at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) are finding practical, patient-centered ways to reach people affected by conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety.

“Many of the ideas that are changing American mental health care were first tested here at Kaiser Permanente Washington,” said Gregory Simon, MD, MPH, senior investigator at KPWHRI and a Kaiser Permanente Washington psychiatrist. “We’re now working to spread those innovations to large health systems across the country.”

Some of the mental health research group’s current projects include:

  • Conducting research to optimize firearm suicide prevention in health care
  • Developing methods to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in suicide risk prediction
  • Expanding a program to reduce the burden for caregivers of patients with a dementia diagnosis
  • Testing an intervention to guide earlier access to services for youth with symptoms or concerns related to their mental health
  • Reducing suicide attempts among high-risk teens and young adults
  • Testing interventions for variables associated with dementia risk, such as depression and social isolation, in elderly patients
  • Developing a model to predict risk of a psychosis spectrum disorder diagnosis
  • Improving tailoring of depression care using customized clinical decision support
  • Studying how peer support is being used to support youth mental health

Innovative patient-centered mental health programs developed at KPWHRI include:

  • Using collaborative care to integrate depression mental health care with general medical care
  • Developing flexible, patient-centered psychotherapy programs organized around people’s preferences and values and delivered online or by phone
  • Identifying and addressing racial and ethnic disparities in mental health treatment
  • Tailoring depression programs for people with other health conditions (diabetes, heart disease, obesity)
  • Using technology such as the web and secure email for outreach and care coordination
  • Facilitating earlier identification of people at risk for self-harm or suicide attempts
  • Improving physical health in people with severe mental health problems
  • Combining peer support with professional treatment for mood disorders
  • Broadening the focus of mental health treatment from symptom management to recovery
  • Activating mental health patients to be more knowledgeable and assertive
  • Reducing use of high-risk medications in both children and older adults
  • Collaborating with health systems through the national Mental Health Research Network to systematically measure and improve outcomes of care

“We are partnering with health care leaders at Kaiser Permanente Washington and other health systems to test innovative programs and implement treatments that work,” Simon said. “We want ‘learning health care system’ to be more than a slogan.” 

Recent publications on Mental Health

Kerr J, Marshall SJ, Patterson RE, Marinac CR, Natarajan L, Rosenberg DE, Wasilenko K, Crist K. Objectively measured physical activity is related to cognitive function in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Nov;61(11):1927-31. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12524. PubMed

Lambert JC, Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Harold D, Naj AC, Sims R, Bellenguez C, Jun G, Destefano AL, Bis JC, Beecham GW, Grenier-Boley B, Russo G, Thornton-Wells TA, Jones N, Smith AV, Chouraki V, Thomas C, Ikram MA, Zelenika D, Vardarajan BN, Kamatani Y, Lin CF, Gerrish A, Schmidt H, Kunkle B, Dunstan ML, Ruiz A, Bihoreau MT, Choi SH, Reitz C, Pasquier F, Hollingworth P, Ramirez A, Hanon O, Fitzpatrick AL, Buxbaum JD, Campion D, Crane PK, Baldwin C, Becker T, Gudnason V, Cruchaga C, Craig D, Amin N, Berr C, Lopez OL, De Jager PL, Deramecourt V, Johnston JA, Evans D, Lovestone S, Letenneur L, Morón FJ, Rubinsztein DC, Eiriksdottir G, Sleegers K, Goate AM, Fiévet N, Huentelman MJ, Gill M, Brown K, Kamboh MI, Keller L, Barberger-Gateau P, McGuinness B, Larson EB, Green R, Myers AJ, Dufouil C, Todd S, Wallon D, Love S, Rogaeva E, Gallacher J, St George-Hyslop P, Clarimon J, Lleo A, Bayer A, Tsuang DW, Yu L, Tsolaki M, Bossù P, Spalletta G, Proitsi P, Collinge J, Sorbi S, Sanchez-Garcia F, Fox NC, Hardy J, Naranjo MC, Bosco P, Clarke R, Brayne C, Galimberti D, Mancuso M, Matthews F; European Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (EADI); Genetic and Environmental Risk in Alzheimer's Disease (GERAD); Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Consortium (ADGC); Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE), Moebus S, Mecocci P, Del Zompo M, Maier W, Hampel H, Pilotto A, Bullido M, Panza F, Caffarra P, Nacmias B, Gilbert JR, Mayhaus M, Lannfelt L, Hakonarson H, Pichler S, Carrasquillo MM, Ingelsson M, Beekly D, Alvarez V, Zou F, Valladares O, Younkin SG, Coto E, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Gu W, Razquin C, Pastor P, Mateo I, Owen MJ, Faber KM, Jonsson PV, Combarros O, O'Donovan MC, Cantwell LB, Soininen H, Blacker D, Mead S, Mosley TH Jr, Bennett DA, Harris TB, Fratiglioni L, Holmes C, de Bruijn RF, Passmore P, Montine TJ, Bettens K, Rotter JI, Brice A, Morgan K, Foroud TM, Kukull WA, Hannequin D, Powell JF, Nalls MA, Ritchie K, Lunetta KL, Kauwe JS, Boerwinkle E, Riemenschneider M, Boada M, Hiltunen M, Martin ER, Schmidt R, Rujescu D, Wang LS, Dartigues JF, Mayeux R, Tzourio C, Hofman A, Nöthen MM, Graff C, Psaty BM, Jones L, Haines JL, Holmans PA, Lathrop M, Pericak-Vance MA, Launer LJ, Farrer LA, van Duijn CM, Van Broeckhoven C, Moskvina V, Seshadri S, Williams J, Schellenberg GD, Amouyel P. Meta-analysis of 74,046 individuals identifies 11 new susceptibility loci for Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet. 2013 Dec;45(12):1452-8. doi: 10.1038/ng.2802. Epub 2013 Oct 27. PubMed

Gschwind YJ, Kressig RW, LaCroix AZ, Muehlbauer T, Pfenninger B, Granacher U. A best practice fall prevention exercise program to improve balance, strength / power, and psychosocial health in older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.  BMC Geriatr. 2013 Oct 9;13:105. doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-13-105. PubMed

Coleman SM, Katon W, Lin E, Von Korff M. Depression and death in diabetes: 10-year follow-up of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in a diabetic cohort. Psychosomatics. 2013 Sep-Oct;54(5):428-36. doi: 10.1016/j.psym.2013.02.015. Epub 2013 Jun 4. PubMed

Li G, Bekris LM, Leong L, Steinbart EJ, Shofer JB, Crane PK, Larson EB, Peskind ER, Bird TD, Yu CE. TOMM40 intron 6 poly-T length, age at onset, and neuropathology of AD in individuals with APOE varepsilon3/varepsilon3. Alzheimers Dement. 2013 Sep;9(5):554-61. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2012.06.009. Epub 2012 Nov 22. PubMed

Researchers in Mental Health

Gregory E. Simon, MD, MPH

Senior Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Ben Balderson, PhD

Senior Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Katharine A. Bradley, MD, MPH

Senior Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Paula Lozano, MD, MPH

Senior Investigator; Director, ACT Center

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Jennifer B. McClure, PhD

Director, Investigative Science

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Robert Penfold, PhD

Senior Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Susan M. Shortreed, PhD

Senior Biostatistics Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Dori E. Rosenberg, PhD, MPH

Senior Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Gwen Lapham, PhD, MPH, MSW

Assistant Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Jennifer F. Bobb, PhD

Associate Biostatistics Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Joseph E. Glass, PhD, MSW

Associate Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Julie E. Richards, PhD, MPH

Assistant Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Paige D. Wartko, PhD, MPH

Senior Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Yates Coley, PhD

Associate Biostatistics Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Abisola Idu, MS, MPH

Collaborative Biostatistician

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Eric Johnson, MS

Senior Collaborative Biostatistician

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Rod L. Walker, MS

Principal Collaborative Biostatistician

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Robert D. Wellman, MS

Principal Collaborative Biostatistician

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Leah K. Hamilton, PhD

Senior Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Brian D. Williamson, PhD

Assistant Biostatistics Investigator

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Rosemary Meza, PhD, MS

Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Morgan Justice, MA

Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Theresa E. Matson, PhD, MPH

Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Lily N. Shapiro, PhD

Collaborative Scientist

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Affiliate researchers in mental health

Paul Crane, MD, MPH
Professor, Internal Medicine
University of Washington

Patrick Heagerty, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Biostatistics
University of Washington

Laura P. Richardson, MD, MPH
Adolescent Medicine
Seattle Children's Hospital
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Washington

Noah R. Simon, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
University of Washington
Principal Investigator, Therapeutics Development
Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Emily Williams, PhD, MPH
Health Services Research & Development
VA Puget Sound Health Care System